Keeping squirrels out of bird feeders
Keeping squirrels out of bird feeders

Rather than concentrating on getting rid of nuisance squirrels, a better option is to prevent them from getting into feeders. Once squirrels discover bird feeders it is very difficult to keep them away. Preventing Squirrels From Getting Into Feeders Perhaps most importantly, they tend to keep all but the boldest of birds from visiting. When squirrels gain access to bird feeders, they not only eat expensive bird seed but also often chew and damage them. Although some people enjoy feeding and watching squirrels, many others are more focused on attracting birds to their yards and gardens. With populations so high, squirrels have become a nuisance around many homes, taking up residence inside of buildings or raiding bird feeders. Squirrels simply slide off when they try to leap on or hang on to the dome exterior.There is no question that 2018 has been a bumper year for squirrels. Other effective squirrel-proof feeders are surrounded by a wire cage or mesh that only allows small birds to access the seed.Ī domed roof feeder can also be an effective deterrent. Squirrels can’t climb the smooth pole to reach it. The best “squirrel proof” feeders have an adjustable weight-activated or counter-weighted perch that shuts off the seed flow when a squirrel sits on the perch or when a heavy bird tries to feed. Baffles work sometimes, although the placement, size and positioning of the baffle will often determine its effectiveness. You can purchase “squirrel-proof” feeders, but beware-these creatures are inventive and some can outsmart even the most ingenious mechanisms.You can apply them to seeds, bulbs, and flowers trees and shrubs poles and fences siding and outdoor furniture. Ro-pel and Capsaicin are taste repellents.Near orchards or high-value crops, farmers actually remove trees or woods to block squirrel traffic.

keeping squirrels out of bird feeders

Consider providing an alternative food source, like Lyric Wildlife Food or hang ears of corn away from feeders and bird habitats.Trim tree limbs and branches 6 to 8 feet from buildings and feeders to keep squirrels from leaping onto feeders and roofs.

#Keeping squirrels out of bird feeders install#

  • Install baffles or guards above or below bird feeders to keep squirrels from getting to the perch, portal and food of the feeder.
  • What to "squirrel-proof"Īlthough “squirrel-proof” can be misleading because of the very unpredictable and surprising nature of the squirrel, here are some tips and techniques that have worked successfully to prevent squirrels from raiding your feeders. Wild squirrels live about four years and their home territory can cover a range of 100 acres. There are flying squirrels that don’t fly (they leap and glide), fox squirrels, tassel-eared squirrels, gray squirrels and red squirrels. Watch out! They’ve even been known to eat baby birds.

    keeping squirrels out of bird feeders keeping squirrels out of bird feeders

    Squirrels eat nuts and seeds, insects and even small animals.

    keeping squirrels out of bird feeders

    They can live in cities or in the country, in tree cavities or in nests made of leaves and twigs. Their front teeth never stop growing so they can gnaw on things throughout their lifetimes doing wholesale damage without wearing down a tooth. Its big, bushy tail is large enough to serve as an umbrella or shade and although many think they are cute and furry, they are actually members of the rodent family, a group with an unpleasant reputation. Squirrels can jump 5 to 10 feet vertically and 8 to 10 feet between objects. How many “tricks” have you tried to keep the squirrels from your bird feeders? Most of us have tested one or two methods like suspending a feeder from wire, using a pole with a baffle or buying a feeder advertised as “squirrel proof.” In order to choose a solution that will really work, one needs to know as much as possible about the habits and especially the acrobatic skills of this favorite of the backyard buffoons-the squirrel.

    Keeping squirrels out of bird feeders